To Whom Are You Kneeling?
Thousands of people across America have participated in demonstrations in which they take a knee and raise their fists defiantly into the air. The act of kneeling is an act…
Dinesh D’Souza Discusses His New Book “United States of Socialism” with Eric Metaxas
Progressives wish to expand democratic socialism ostensibly to give them more control over the economy. In a capitalist system, the people already have more control over the economy by where…
Squirrel Ninja Obstacle Course
Mark Rober applies science and engineering to the challenge of preventing squirrels from feeding on bird feeders.
Rebel Alliance Life Insurance
Ever pause to consider the terms of the life insurance policies for members of the Rebel Alliance? Studio C has.
They Never Thought She Would Lose
By X22 Report They Never Thought She Would Lose, 16 Year Plan Push, Plan Exposed & Countered
Modern Educayshun
Neel Kolhatkar provides amazingly poignant insights into “modern educayshun” system.
The “Freedom is Slavery” Language Trend Continues in America
On Tuesday, June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued their opinion in the Bostock vs Clayton County case. In this case, the plaintiffs assert that employers who fire them for…
Paul Hogan at the Oscars
Paul Hogan provides sage advice to Hollywood stars as he hosts the Oscars
Why the Lockdown Should Last Longer
Awaken the JP applies COVID-19 logic to traffic accidents.
CIA World Factbook One of the best resource available for geopolitical information on all of the countries in the world. Data available includes: Maps Country profiles Flags Comparative reports Much more contains data pertinent to the following topics: Agriculture Climate Ecosystems Energy Local Government Maritime Ocean
Media Bias/Fact Check
Media Bias/Fact Check website is a private site with one of the most objective methodologies for determining bias possible for what is often the very subjective realm of politics.
Weaponization of Federal Government by Obama Administration
Senator Ted Cruz summarizes the actions taken by the highest levels of the Obama Administration to target incoming President Donald Trump and his administration.
Ballotpedia Ballotpedia provides comprehensive data on elections
Voter Records Voter Records is a free tool to research public voter data.
U.S. Debt Clock The U.S. Debt Clock site is a private site driven by data provided from the Congressional Budget Office
Healthcare Bluebook Healthcare Bluebook is a private company that provides healthcare cost transparency data.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Government website that provides data on the following topics: Inflation & Prices Employment Unemployment Employment Projections Pay & Benefits Spending & Time Use Productivity Workplace Injuries Occupational Requirements Regional…
Liz Wheeler: Scientific Evidence that Lockdowns Don’t Work
No statistical difference between fatality rates in lockdown and no-lockdown populations.
Tony Robbins: Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing About On TV
Your response to COVID-19 outbreak is driven by the information you receive. Are you receiving a complete, truthful picture of what is really go in regarding the COVID-19 crisis?
Lancet Hydroxychloroquine Study Retracted
Oft-cited study published by the well-respected medical journal Lancet has been retracted due to blatant conflict of interest and poor data quality.