By Patrick Colbeck
Why is Antrim County even in the news in the first place?
On election night, this traditionally “red” county flipped overwhelmingly to “blue” raising flags among citizens who could attest to an overwhelming majority of Trump signs in front of homes throughout the county. The reported results featured a 3,260 vote margin for “blue” candidate Biden out of a total of 16,047 votes cast. It just didn’t make sense to most political observers.
Why is Antrim County so important to attempts to expose 2020 election fraud?
It helps paint a “3D” picture of the election.
- Discovery
- Data
- Decertification
Let’s explore each of these topics.
November 23, 2020: Complaint was filed by Matt DePerno on behalf of Antrim County resident Bill Bailey. Case 2020-9238 CZ was opened. NOTE: You can follow the status of Case 2020-9238 CZ from the court website.
December 9, 2020: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson intervenes on behalf of Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy. By intervening in the case, the MI Secretary of State opened the door to “discovery” regarding the Secretary of State’s role in the Antrim County election.
March 16, 2021: Subpoenas were issued to the clerks for the following counties: Antrim, Barry, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Kent, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne.
April 12, 2021: Hearing scheduled to compel recipients of subpoenas to comply with requests.
June 8-9, 2021: Non-Jury Trial for court case scheduled.
A total of four unique vote tallies were conducted in Antrim County.
On November 3, the Antrim County Clerk posted that Joe Biden had defeated Donald Trump by 3,260 votes out of a total of 16,047 votes cast.
On November 5, the Antrim County Board of Canvassers posted results that indicated that Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 2,494 votes out of a new total of 18,059 votes cast.
On November 21, the Antrim County Board of Canvassers posted the official results that indicated that Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 3,788 votes out of a new total of 16,044 votes cast.
On December 17, a hand recount (initially portrayed as an audit) was conducted that revealed that Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden by 3,800 votes out of a new total of 15,962 votes cast.
Between November 3 and December 17, Donald Trump received an additional 5,250 votes while Joe Biden saw a 1,810 vote decrement for a net swing of 7,060 votes.

Douglas G Frank, PhD, Presentation
Key assertions:
- Antrim is the only county where registrations have dropped since the 2020 election was held
- There were 25.5% more registered voters in Antrim County than eligible residents indicating a large number of potential “ghost ballots”
- There is clear evidence of algorithmic allocation of voters to ballots which in turn clearly indicates fraud.

ASOG Report
ASOG Report [Redacted Version]
Key assertions:
- Results of Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable
- Error rate of 68.05% observed when Federal Election Commission guideline is 1 in 250,000 ballots (0.0008%). Tabulation log from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events of which 10,667 were recorded errors. These errors occurred AFTER the Antrim County Clerk provided a re-provisioned CF card with uploaded software for the Central Lake Precinct on November 6 proving that the MI Secretary of State Antrim County Statement was false.
- Errors result in need for adjudication. Adjudication can be altered by administrators and adjudication files can be moved between different Results Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with NO audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicates the ballot batch
- On November 21, 2020 an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results.
- Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on 10/23/2020 and then again on 11/5/2020. This violates the 90-day Safe Harbor Period which prohibits changes to election systems, registries, hardware/software updates without undergoing recertification. The only reason to change software AFTER the election would be to obfuscate evidence of fraud and/or to correct program errors that would de-certify the election.
- Dominion ImageCast Precinct machines have the ability to connect to the internet
- Ranked Choice Voting module was installed and active as indicated in a log file. This feature allows users to allocate percentages of votes to candidates rather than simply tally up the votes for a given candidate.
- Ranked Choice Voting module enables fractional votes as witnessed in another affidavit submitted by Russ Ramsland.
Halderman Report
Analysis of the Antrim County, Michigan November 2020 Election Incident.
Key assertions:
- Local staff performed logic and accuracy testing to ensure that the scanners were working. However, testing was not repeated after the ballot design changes.
- On election day, the scanners appear to have functioned normally for ballots that matched the ballot designs on their memory cards. However, they were not configured to handle the initial and revised ballot designs simultaneously, which caused inaccurate results in specific down-ballot contests in the three precincts where ballot designs had changed.
- Some log entries reference the voting system’s RCV feature, but they do not indicate that it was enabled. The EMS and memory card data show that RCV was not in use.
NOTE: Due to many discrepancies between Halderman Report on Antrim County and his previous assertions regarding electronic voting systems, a much more detailed assessment of this report is planned for a subsequent post.
Jim Penrose Report
Key assertions:
- Dominion Voting Systems ICX machine indicated internet communications with two foreign IP addresses. IP is registered to the Ministry of Education Computer Center in Taipei, Taiwan. IP address is registered to EDV-BV GmbH QSC Subkunde located in Nurenberg, Germany.
- Dominion described difficulties with modem transmissions in an email sent August 25, 2020
- Dominion turned off image saving feature
Cyber Ninja Report
Key assertions:
- Microsoft SQL Management Tools were installed on EMS Server. This software is not on the EAC’s approved list for certified systems. This software makes it easy to directly edit entries within the election database and breaks the election chain of custody.
- No ballot images on Compact Flash drives which breaks the election chain of custody.
- Windows Event logs have been deleted which breaks the election chain of custody.
- Election Management System logs have been deleted which breaks the election chain of custody.
- Result Tally and Reporting application can be used to insert manual vote count totals rather than importing the results from a tabulator. Lack of logs prevents ability to discern whether or not fraudulent activity occurred but lack of chain of custody is sufficient reason to decertify the election results.
- Credential reuse appears to be standard practice. Sloppy security regarding user credentials impairs ability to trace what log evidence remains to a specific user.
- DVS Adjudication Services had been installed on April 10, 2019 but was later removed on September 3, 2019. This is consistent with the Antrim County Clerk assertion that all November 2020 election adjudication was performed manually. It is unclear whether or not the machines were tested using this new software configuration before the November 3, 2020 election.
- There was no source-code encountered on any of the compact flash drives, or on any of the forensic images captured. Only compiled programs were deployed on these systems. Therefore, the TRO regarding the ASOG Report should be lifted.
Benjamin Cotton Report
Exhibit 8 Benjamin Cotton Report
Key assertions:
- Evidence of internet communications with the Dominion ICX trace back to servers in Taiwan and Germany
- Antrim County did not comply with subpoena request for the following components:
- ImageCast Listener Express Server
- ImageCast Express Firewall
- EMS Express Managed Switch
- ICP Wireless Modems (17)
- ImageCast Communications Manager Server
- ImageCast Listener Express RAS (remote access server) System
- ImageCast USB Modems (5)
Other declarations:
- Hursti Declaration – Aug 24 2020
- Halderman, Expert Against Dominion Machines – October 4 2019
- Halderman Declaration – Aug 19 2020
The data provided indicates serious breaches in the chain of custody regarding election artifacts. In fact, there is evidence that every link in the chain of custody was broken in Antrim County. These links include the Qualified Voter File (QVF), poll books, ballots, and vote tallies.
The Qualified Voter File demonstrates clear evidence that there are over 25% more registered voters than eligible voters. The analysis of Dr. Frank indicates that votes were assigned to ballots in a manner than indicates machine-based algorithms were used thereby invalidating the chain of custody for poll books. The volatility in the number of ballots in four successive recounts indicates insufficient control of ballot chain of custody. The connection of tabulation equipment to the internet demonstrates insufficient control of the vote tally chain of custody. Individually, they would be grounds for the decertification of the election results. Collectively, they demonstrate significant malfeasance and an imperative for the decertification of the election results including down ballot contests.
The term “certification” as it pertains to election results denotes that the election was conducted in accordance with acceptable procedures. Certifications of elections are performed by a Board of Canvassers featuring members of both principle political parties. It is not clear under Michigan election law, but, per the County Board of Canvassers Manual released by the Secretary of State, the purpose of Canvassers is to verify the proper completion of records related to the election. Another term for the verification of the completion of proper completion of records is “audit”.
The Michigan Election Security Advisory Commission overseen by the Secretary of State recognizes two types of audits:
- Procedural: Verify whether jurisdictions properly followed election procedures
- Tabulation: Verify that votes were counted correctly
While it is unclear in Michigan election law, the “proper completion of records” would seem to more closely align with a procedural audit as opposed to a simple tabulation audit. In this light, any evidence that procedures integral to the preservation of the chain of custody were not “properly completed” would be grounds for decertification of the election results. Furthermore, any evidence that the electronic voting system featured software or hardware which was NOT certified would also be grounds for decertification.
In most states, including Michigan, there are laws on the books which invoke Quo Warranto in case of election fraud or error. In fact, there are recent precedents for the decertification of election results. In Mississippi, Judge Jeff Weill ordered a new election as a result of evidence of fraud and criminal activity in a State Senate race. In New Jersey, Judge Ernest Caposela ordered a new election for city council due to an election that was “rife with mail in vote procedural violations”.
Decertification does not need to proceed through the court system for all races. Under Article II of the United States Constitution, the state legislatures have plenary (i.e. absolute) authority regarding the assignment of Presidential electors.
The Discovery in Antrim County resulted in Data that would justify the Decertification of the Antrim County election results.
If there is evidence of the same issues which merit decertification of the Antrim County results in other counties throughout the State of Michigan, such evidence would justify the decertification of the State of Michigan election results.
If there is evidence of the same issues that merited decertification of the State of Michigan election results in other states, such evidence would justify the decertification of the federal election results.
Related Posts
Let’s Fix Stuff Posts:
Other Posts:
- Nov 4 Antrim County election results investigated after red Michigan county turns blue
- Nov 6 Antrim County Election Results Corrected After Issue Skewed Initial Results
- Nov 21 Antrim County Board of Canvassers Posts Official Election Results
- Dec 17 Antrim County hand tally affirms certified election results
Whatdoyamean we can’t cheat? That’s how you win elections in this era. That is what SB1 is all about. We can codify cheating 🙂
Thank you. I pray this little MI county will serve as the lynchpin for the election and once removed, the Democrat machine will finally begin to derail. The world must know what happened in Antrim County. Sheryl Guy must be held to account.
Excellent work summing this all up! Secretary of State Benson should start swimming to Canada, she can’t cover this up much longer!
We know the election was stolen. The proof is out there. Who can I contact to arrest the cheaters. Who can I contact to remove the fraudulent people in office. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE TO CORRECT THIS ABUSE. Just asking for a friend.
In Figure 10 of the Halderman analysis, why is Ballot 1107 being counted over and over and over???
They keep coming up with different answers every time they count.
Because 1107 is the number of the precinct, not the ballot itself, as you can see in the Lenberg report submitted as evidence on May 10.
But that raises another question…Why are Lenberg’s tests showing up in the logs as happening on “Nov 03/2020” while his screenshots are all dated “05/09/2021”?
Is it really that easy to reset the date and the time on the tabulators? If so, we shouldn’t be trusting anything that comes out of them at all!–the entire election can be stolen before it even happens!!!
Despite all this: NO ACTION WILL RESULT,
When do the executions start?
I live in Southern California and I know the election was rigged cheated and stolen. We had the time to really pay attention and yes it was stolen and the truth will prevail!
More than ever with all this talk of vaccine passports and other insanity pushing for truth is more important than ever. Many believe California turned RED as well. How did we stop counting abruptly at 8pm? It’s beyond obvious that fraud took place ALL OVER the country!
Did the Hearing for the Antrim County Election Lawsuit continue after lunch yesterday? And what was the outcome?
I would like to know how this also effected John James he was ahead in MI and then lost.
Yes, I believe John James won. I hope that will come out.
It is vitally important that something comes from this. I understand the frustration of all of us to see one after another exposes and nothing done about them. This time we have more patriots more determined than ever.
[…] “Antrim County: The Thread That Unravels 2020 Election Theft” By Patrick Colbeck APR 9, 2021 […]
This is how you do it.
Thank you for what you are doing to preserve our nation!
MANY, many THANKS for all the work y’all have done!!! We need to have as much election fraud revealed and documented ASAP! Keep up your good work — for God and county!! May God mercifully give us victory and get the illegal intruder out of the White House — and maybe some other illegal vote “winners” out of Congress too!!
Clear evidence of fraud and decertification is apparent in this report as I feel will be found in other counties and states that should be scrutinized. Hopeful this will lead to the declaration of FRAUD and a re election process that will have integrity at it’s core.
Glad to see you’re planning to conduct and provide a much more detailed assessment of Halderman’s more recent assertions.
Update? From June 17 Let Freedom Ring road rally to present citizen affidavits from all over the state fir a full forensic audit? Anyone?