By Patrick Colbeck
See Trailer
Summary of Electoral Fraud Impact on 2020 Presidential Election
Biden’s nominal Electoral College margin of victory in 2020: 306-232
Electoral College votes of five battleground states with evidence of decisive fraud: 73
Trump’s likely Electoral College margin of victory in 2020: 305-233
State by State Detail of 2020 Electoral Fraud
Electoral College votes: 16
Biden’s nominal margin of victory in the 2020 election: 154,188 votes
Actual winner was likely Trump, based on the following evidence of decisive fraud:
- Former Secretary of State estimated there were 800,000 ineligible voters in Michigan’s QVF
- There were 87,489 potential fraudulent votes in just one of Michigan’s 83 counties, based on 17.6% pollbook anomaly rate discovered during post-election canvassing.
- Extrapolating this 17.6 anomaly rate across all of MI’s 83 counties, 974,917 fraudulent votes may have been cast.
- 298,000 votes that exceeded tabulator capacity were injected into the vote tallies
- 104,138 voter records were illegally removed from the QVF after the election
- There is evidence that 202,637 votes were shifted from Trump to Biden during cyber attacks
- In Antrim County alone, 7,060 votes were electronically “flipped” in favor of Biden
- 54,384 more absentee ballots were counted in the vote tally than were reported as received two hours after the polls closed in Detroit.
Electoral College votes: 11
Biden’s nominal margin of victory in the 2020 election: 10,457 votes
Actual winner was likely Trump, based on the following evidence of decisive fraud:
- Post-election canvassing discovered 173,104 lost votes
- Post-election canvassing discovered 96,389 phantom votes
- Approximately 17,000 duplicated ballots were counted in the vote tallies
- Approximately 40,000 ballots with blank signatures were counted in the vote tallies
- Ballot harvesters were paid as much as $40 per collected vote. One harvester was personally responsible for almost 3,000 ballots being placed in a single drop box.
Electoral College votes: 10
Biden’s nominal margin of victory in the 2020 election: 20,682 votes
Actual winner was likely Trump, based on the following evidence of decisive fraud:
- 45,665 of new voter registrations did not match information possessed by the Department of Motor Vehicles
- At least 137,551 ballots were trafficked by ballot harvesters
Electoral College votes: 16
Biden’s nominal margin of victory in the 2020 election: 12,670 votes
Actual winner was likely Trump, based on the following evidence of decisive fraud:
- One million absentee ballots were ordered by Fulton County just four days before the election
- In Fulton County alone, 132,284 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files
- In Fulton County alone, all 374,128 in-person ballot images for the original count are missing
- In Fulton County alone, 104,994 ballot images have impossible, duplicate time-stamps
- In Fulton County alone, 17.724 certified votes have no ballot images
- In DeKalb County alone, 43,907 absentee ballots were included in the vote tallies while lacking proper chain of custody logs
Electoral votes: 20
Biden’s nominal margin of victory in the 2020 election: 81,660 votes
Actual winner was likely Trump, based on the following evidence of decisive fraud:
- The status of 440,781 mail-in ballots was unknown or undeliverable
- 202,377 more votes were cast than voters actually voted
- In Lehigh County, which is just one of 67 counties in PA, at least 288 people deposit more than one ballot into a drop box, which is a violation of PA law.